Let’s vote, create, and fund your event now! Connect to top sponsors, amazing venues, and verified event organizers.


Let's talk business.
But you first.




Borsteler Weg 24D, 31595 Steyerberg, Germany

Favourse - Create Events & Experiences Together by Voting & Crowdfunding on the Blockchain

What’s next?

Prompt response

Call us, contact us through WhatsApp, email us or fill out our contact form. We're happy to hear from you.

Schedule a call

Dive into your vision for the project on a quick call / Dive into the vision for your project on a quick call;

Get a quote

A whole team dedicated to calculating the quote will be working on our proposal, analysing, calculating and estimating. You’ll get a full-fledged document from us, fair and square.


Waitlist Form