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Frequently Asked Questions

Explore our FAQs for quick answers to common queries about our products, services, and policies. Find solutions to your questions effortlessly, ensuring a smooth experience with us.

Favourse - Create Events & Experiences Together by Voting & Crowdfunding on the Blockchain

Favourse FAQs

What type of content can I suggest and vote on?

You can suggest any event topics that you believe would be engaging and relevant to your hometown community.

You’re welcome to invite creators who you believe would contribute positively to events in your hometown.

Absolutely! Proposing collaborations between individuals can foster exciting partnerships for events.

Yes, feel free to propose topics for panel discussions.

If you have creators in mind who you think would provide valuable insights, you can suggest them to review events.

Yes, absolutely! Feel free to propose learning needs that you think should be addressed in your area.

Yes, definitely! You can suggest speakers or guests for upcoming events or podcasts.

You can suggest topics that you find interesting and important for future events.

Yes, you can submit questions that you’d like speakers to address during events.

Absolutely! You can recommend creators to review products or places. Your recommendations help us ensure diverse perspectives in our reviews.


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